East Lake Cemetery. 01/13/07
This was considered an open investigation, were we allow prospective members and our Junior members to participate,
(we occasionally hold open investigations for the Junior members since we can not give much credence to any evidence that
is gathered with the children along.)
We arrived at the cemetery about 8:30 pm, and our two groups proceeded to get the layout of the grounds. Throughout
this investigation we had an average temperature of 72 degrees with a few areas showing fluctuations of 2-3 degrees, but nothing
consistant to document.
Several of our investigators had the feeling of being touched. Erin felt her hair being pulled, Dalton (a junior
investigator) had something rub his head and Mac felt something rub along his arm as we were leaving.
At the close of the investigation, a review of our evidence produced two photos from the cemetery that had
a mist and several photos with a lot of orbs. A review of our recordings also produced several EVP's. (Click
the link below to listen to these EVP's)